
The editorial board of the journal "Suicidology" accepts for publication materials on theoretical and clinical aspects, the results of scientific research, original and review articles, lectures, etc., on the following topics:

  1. General and private suicidology.
  2. Psychology, ethnopsychology and psychopathology of suicidal behavior and aggression.
  3. Methods of prevention and correction.
  4. Social, sociological, legal, legal aspects of suicidal behavior.
  5. Historical suicidology.

Submission rules:

  1. The article is submitted in both electronically (before the article is accepted for publication), and in printed form (1 copy). The printed version must be signed by all authors.

  2. The journal "Suicidology" is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), the international citation system Web of Science (ESCI) and EBSCO Publishing. Therefore, the electronic version must be posted and available on the website elibrary.ru and other systems. In this regard, by submitting of the article for publication in the journal the author expresses their consent to the posting of the article and contact information on this and other related websites.

  3. The title page includes: The article title, full name, academic degree, title, place of work (full official name of the institution and its address) and the position for each author, their contact phone number, e-mail address. 

    For each author, the following must also be indicated:
    a) SPIN code in the e-library (format: XXXX-XXXX),
    b) Researcher ID (format: Х-ХХХХ-20ХХ),

  4. The UDC is indicated before the title of the article.
  5. The text of the article should be typed in Times New Roman 14, one-and-a-half spacing, with 2 cm margins. Each paragraph should start with a red line set in the "Paragraph" menu. Do not use Space and Tab functions for the red line. Decimal fractions should be separated by commas (do not use a period). The volume of the article is up to 24 pages of typewritten text (can be extended up to 36 pages for reviews).

  6. The design of original articles should include: title, names of authors, organization, introduction, aim of the study, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions by points or conclusion, list of cited literature, each author’s contribution (in case of a collective work) in the preparation and writing the article, reviews; financial conditions. The author's design of the article may be accepted (upon prior agreement with the editors).

  7. The article is accompanied with a detailed abstract of up to 400 words and a list of keywords. The abstract provides a description of the work with the allocation of sections: introduction, aim, materials and methods, results, conclusions. It should contain only essential facts of work, the main mathematical findings included.
  8. In addition to the generally accepted abbreviations of units of measurement, quantities and terms, abbreviations of phrases that are often repeated in the text are allowed. Letter designations and abbreviations introduced by the author must be deciphered once they are first mentioned in the text of the article (not used in the abstratc). Abbreviations of simple words are not allowed, even if they are often repeated.

  9. Statistics. Research data should be statistically processed using the SPSS-Statistics computer program. The statistical methods used should be described in detail in the corresponding section of the article.

  10. Tables should be created in the Word program, must be concise, have a serial number, title and clearly marked columns. They should appear in the text as they are mentioned.

  11. Diagrams are drawn up in Excel, must have a serial number, name and clearly marked categories, should appear in the text as they are mentioned.

  12. Bibliographic references in the text of the article are given in numbers in square brackets in accordance with the article list of references, drawn up in accordance with Interstate standard and located at the end of the article. All bibliographic references in the text should be numbered as they are mentioned. The names of foreign authors are given in the original transcription.

    The list of bibliographic references includes:

    a) for journal articles: Surname and initials of the author (s; no more than three). Article title. Journal. Year; volume (number): pages "from" and "to". DOI: (if any). 
    b) for books: surname and initials of the author. Full title. City (where published): Publisher name, year of publication. Number of pages. 
    c) for the thesis – the surname and initials of the author. Full title: PhD or Doctoral Dissertation of what sciences. Place of publication, year. Number of pages.

    All Russian-language primary sources must have a translation into English, placed in [square brackets].
  13. It is recommended to use international names of medicines in the text, which are not capitalized. Trade names of drugs are capitalized.

  14. Review. The publisher reviews all materials submitted to the editorial board that correspond to the subject matter of the journal, for the purpose of their expert assessment. All articles are subject to double-blind peer review by independent experts (term: up to two months). After receiving the conclusion, the Editorial Board sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors. The text of the manuscript is not returned. The comments of the reviewers are mandatory for the subsequent revision of the article. 
    The editors reserve the right to scientific editing, shortening and literary editing of the text, as well as rejecting the work due to inconsistency with its profile or the requirements of the journal.

  15. Each article must have a complete identical professional translation in English with all conditions for the formatting of text being observed, tables and figures available in the Russian version. Translation into English is carried out after reviewing and agreeing on the main text. The translation submitted by the authors is subject to an expert examination. If it does not meet professional level quality requirements, the article is sent to the translator, the payment for whose services is not included in the editorial obligations.

  16. The editors do not assume responsibility for copyright and financial violation occurred by the fault of the authors of the submitted materials.

Articles are sent to the editorial office by e-mail to the editorial address: note72@yandex.ru

After the positive opinion of the reviewers and acceptance of the article for publication,
the printed version signed by all authors is sent to the editorial office at

625027, Tyumen, 67/1 Minskaya st.,
editorial office of the journal "Suicidology".